Inner doors

"Things only can touch us where we open our inner door for."

Move: acrylic paint on wood panelMove
Honour thy Father: acrylic paint on wood panelHonour thy Father
Die for Love: acrylic paint on wood panelDie for Love
Honour thy Mother: acrylic paint on wood panelHonour thy Mother
Your DemonYour Demon
Year: 2017
Size: 50 x 80 cm each panel
Technique: acrylic paint on wood panel

This series of paintings was realised for "Occul Arts", collective exhibition that took place in Christiania, Copenhagen in May 2017.
Inner doors is a series of crises we might experience. The aim is to grow through such experiences in order to build a stronger awareness.
The creatures belong to a place between the world of dreams and solid reality. Allegories of everyday life. They all carry a secret that can only be unveiled by a careful observer.

You can read more in detail about the single artworks from the following links:
